In continuation to my last weekend activities (another weekend is approaching, asz ni sibuk dok cite last weekend punye cite..hihi), once I reached our home sweet parents home, I smell nice chocolate cake aroma..oo yes you are right, my lil sis bake a cake..specially for my big was her birthday..
Guess it's not too late to wish her Happy Belated Birthday Sista! eh..this doesn't mean I haven't wish her yet aa..early in the morning of 31 Jul already wished her..skang kan canggih..sms pun hokey..FB lagi..:P
Here are some of the photo manage to be captured from my phone. simple cake but nice taste I tell you..<promote adik sendiri skit..hihih>. Enjoy the piccas yer folks!
The home made cake..yummeh! Don't judge the books by its cover ya.. |
Besday gurl with da kids.. |
Biasa la anak I mmg suke je nak manja2 ngan mak long die |
Potong cake..mmg tak saba le tu nak makan budak2 tu.. |
tengok colour chocs kat atas cake tu, mcm boleh bet, mesti sedap rite?
kecur air liur bulan pose ni tengok gamba cake.
jiranmafiarussia, mmg sgt sedap kek itu...:D. Ooopss sowi tak ingat ni bulan pose, pi letak plak gambo kek..tak pasal2 buat org terliur
Mekasih la no for the entri..ada gak gambo kenangan birthday thn ni
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