Alhamdulillah..hati lebih tenteram hari ni..have not settled the probs as yet..but Alhamdulillah Allah gave me this peaceful heart and mind..I hope for a productive work today at work..Insya-Allah..
This gift from Allah reminds me of the talk that I went to last Monday on "Memburu Keberkatan Rezeki". May I share them with you? Tak kisah la..share jugak...:D.
I understand from the talk that Rezeki is divided into two category.
1. Rezeki yang zahir, which we can see like your harta, rumah, duit etc2, suami/isteri & anak2
2. Rezeki which we cannot see - which is the most important to me..ketenangan jiwa & perasaan.
On no. 2, I jotted down in my notes from what was elaborated by Ustaz Zaharudin from Al-Quran ( I didn't manage to capture which ayat..hihii..was focus on what he wants to I don't blame myself..hihi) was tidak rasa dukacita dan apabila ditimpa kesusahan, bersabar dan bila mendapat kegembiraan, bersyukur..quite difficult for me I simply put it down in Bahasa..lebih jelas kan?
The symptom of rezeki yang berkat is one feel whatever she/he has is not enough..berkatnya rezeki if she/he feels whatever we have is enough and always be thankful to Allah on what was given
I don't know about you guys, but I personally want to focus on item 2..apa guna harta setinggi gunung kalo hati tak tenteram..apa guna berpangkat tinggi kalo anak2 dan suami berciciran..biarla apa yang ada sedikit, tetapi berkat..rasa cukup dan bole berbuat amal buat bekalan di sana..but that doesn't mean we should stop berusaha utk memperbaiki kehidupan kita dlm mencari rezeki..Niat here is very2 important..biarla niat kita nak mencari rezeki utk membolehkan kita berbuat kebajikan & kebaikan utk Agama kita ni..hmm..easy said than done huh? Apa salahnye kite berusaha..saya pun mmg jauh lagi nak capai ke tahap ni..
Btw, how to clean our harta..supaya berkat? These are few tips given by Ustaz, which I found useful. Briefly:
1. Bayar Zakat - mcm2 jenis zakat ada kan? Includes zakat pendapatan, zakat harta, zakat emas etc2. Bole refer to yang lebih arif..
2. If so happen teramik riba drpd orang, return them back to that person..kes ni mcm kalo kite ada bagi pinjam kat org duit, then kite letak sesiap interest bape die kena pulangkan.
3. What if we receive interest from conventional bank - which clearly is riba? Cannot return them back, because it will give this institution benefits to continue riba..then what can we do about it? Easy peeps, take that interest portion and salurkan pada fakir miskin..
4. Banyakkan sedekah..sedekah adalah lebih afdal kalo datang daripada rezeki yang sedikit, tetapi tetap berusaha nak sedekah..
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
23 hours ago
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